Laura Daly |
This website is designed to educate victims and parents about both the physical and the mental conditions that can cause severe weight loss.
Eating disorders that cause a person to be severely underweight can be caused by an underlying physical or mental condition. Either are very serious and must be properly diagnosed.
There is much "misinformation" in the medical profession, media, and the general public concerning Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. In medicine there is no such thing as "Always and Never". Doctors are not supposed to "Assume Anything".
The first step is to rule out any known physical illness that could account for severe weight loss. A complete medical diagnostic work-up must first be performed. Then and only then can a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa be made.
You cannot and should not assume that your family physician knows about the correct studies or that they have already been obtained in previous examinations. You may even be told that these studies are unnecessary or useless in your case. Be persistent and insist that they be done before you accept that it is all in your head.